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Shipping list

Marco Agostini avatar
Written by Marco Agostini
Updated over a week ago

View the shipping list

To view and manage your orders on Poleepo follow the path: Menu > Shipments
In this section you can view and manage the shipments created for the products sold on the various channels.
The information displayed on the main screen is as follows:

  • Courier. Courier with which the shipment was created

  • Poleepo code. Shipping reference code on Poleepo

  • Tracking code. Shipment tracking code, available only after creating and confirming the shipment

  • Collection address. Address where the goods are available

  • Delivery address. Data and address to which the goods will be delivered

  • Creation date. Shipment creation date

  • Date of shipment. Date on which the goods were delivered to the courier

  • Delivery date. Date the goods were delivered

  • Orders Reference order number on Poleepo with relative status indicated by different

    • White : Waiting for customer confirmation

    • Green: Payment accepted

    • Blue: In progress / Preparing

    • Light orange : Payment error / Cancellation / Rejected / Cancellation request / Canceled by customer

    • Orange: Partially shipped / Shipped awaiting cash on delivery / Partially shipped / awaiting cash on delivery

    • Red: Canceled / Refunded / Trashed

    • Shadowed White : Complete / Shipped

    • Flashing yellow: Order with problem

  • State. Shipping status diversified through various colors. In the status column it will also be possible to confirm each shipment individually or download the label relating to it if created previously

    • Red: Printed to be confirmed

    • Orange: Printed and confirmed

    • Blue: Ready / Shipped / Delivered

    • Grey: Created package to prepare

To go into the details of a single shipment just click on the " Poleepo Code" button . If you want more information, follow the SHIPPING DETAILS guide.

Filter your shipments

You can filter your shipments using the smart search and advanced search at the top of the page.

You will also have the option to create and save custom filters to make it easier to search for your shipments by clicking on the +Save filter option below .

Once you have saved the filter you just created, you can also rename it, delete it or set it as default (this way, when you reload the page, the initial search will start from it and not from the Default filter).

You can search by order number, address, customer name. Furthermore, you can extend the search with other parameters: Couriers, shipment status, creation/shipment date, collection address, weight or sales channel on which the sale was made, collection date and order statuses.

Massive shipping operations

By selecting a series of shipments, via the menu at the top right, it will be possible to carry out some massive operations on them.

In particular:

  • Download labels. It will allow you to massively download the labels of multiple selected orders in a single PDF

  • Summary. It will allow you to obtain a summary of the selected items to be delivered to the courier

  • Pick list. It will allow you to create a shipping list with more detailed information on the order and its warehouse location

  • Confirm selected. It allows you to confirm mass-selected shipments

  • Set as shipped. Allows you to set the "shipped" status on a shipment created with "OTHER" courier. For shipments created with couriers integrated on Poleepo, this will happen automatically when you set the order status to "shipped"

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