Creation of shipments with TNT
To create and manage shipments with TNT or print waybills, reach the "Orders" page following the path:
Menu > Orders
Select your order to ship
Select the order to ship by clicking on the order number in the first "Reference" column
Selection of TNT shipper and preparation of shipment
In the “Shipping” box, select TNT
Select the type of service to use in the “TNT shipping list” field
Select the number of packages for the shipment, you can add packages by clicking the " + " symbol next to the "Number of packages" field
Enter the number of packages by filling in the "Weight (in Kg)" field and indicate the " Dimensions in centimeters" of the package specifying Height, Width and Depth . Select the type of package in the drop-down menu.
If the order was received with the Cash on Delivery payment type, the Cash on Delivery field will be automatically populated.
If you want to set up insurance for your parcel to be sent, click on the "Set up Insurance" link , enter the value of the insurance and select whether the commissions are paid by the sender or the recipient.
If the order contains multiple products you can select which products to include in the shipment. ES: if one or more of the products is not available you can increase or reduce the products to be included or deselect them. In this case you will create a partial shipment containing the products to be shipped and you will be able to generate a new shipment when the products are available in stock.
You can immediately print the label with the quick print functionality by clicking on the “Print label” button . If you need to change shipping information (change shipping/collection addresses, store opening hours, etc.) click on the "Go to detail" button .
Confirmation of shipment for the TNT courier occurs automatically when the label is printed.
If you have changed the information in the shipment details, you must reprint the label by clicking on the "Print label" button at the top. In this way the new information will be communicated to the courier.
Shipment details
The shipment detail page allows you to check and modify the shipment information to be communicated by the courier
The “Shipping” box allows you to modify the information entered during the first phase of shipment creation
The “Destination address” and “Pickup address” boxes contain information for the addresses. – The “Create”
button allows you to create a new address – The “Change” button allows you to select a previously created address – The “Modify” button allows you to modify the information for the selected address.
The “Collection instructions” box allows you to change the opening and closing times of the store and enter instructions for the courier.
Label printing
Click on the "Mark as ready" button at the top right
Click on the “Print label” button . The label will begin downloading in PDF format for you to print
Deletion of the shipment
You can delete the TNT shipment from the platform at any time, up to a few hours before collecting the goods.