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On Amazon, from Poleepo you can create offers for existing products in the Amazon catalog and you cannot create new products.

Marco Agostini avatar
Written by Marco Agostini
Updated over a week ago

Prepare your product

If the product you want to publish on Amazon is not yet present on Poleepo , visit This guide

Publish your product on Amazon

At the bottom of the product page, identify the "Amazon" box and click on the "Publish" button , wait a few seconds and your product will be available for sale within 20 minutes.

The product you want to publish must be present in the Amazon catalog. The association of offers is carried out via EAN (Bar Code) UPC or ASIN (Amaz-Standard-Identification Number) therefore it is NECESSARY to enter at least one of these values ​​in the appropriate fields.
If the barcode has been inserted in the main product card, but the publication will fail with the warning:

“AMAZON ITALIA returned the following error message: XXXX, Missing Attributes product_type…”

log in to your Amazon account ( ) and create the listing for the product you are trying to publish using the same SKU and EAN present in the product on Poleepo.

However, if you do not have the EAN code available but have identified the ASIN code relating to the Amazon product sheet on which you want to publish your offer, click on " Publish" in the Amazon box on Poleepo.
Poleepo will first carry out a search among the products in the Amazon catalog that match your title. Below, a popup will open with a list of suggested products and the related ASIN code. You will simply have to choose one of the products on which to publish your offer, or directly enter the previously identified ASIN.
In the event that Poleepo does not find any product corresponding to your title, you will have to enter the ASIN code you found.

If you do not have the EAN or UPC available to create Amazon product sheets you can:

  • If you are the manufacturer of your items, registering with the Brand Registry allows you to publish your items without the obligation of the EAN/UPC code and to request GCID codes (exemption code)

Review or edit your Amazon listing details

After you publish your product, you can change some information in your publication to differentiate it from the main product information. (e.g. if you want to change the category, sell your product at a different price, apply a discount percentage, use a different description than that of the main product, etc.)

Click on the “Detail” button in the “Amazon” box to edit the information.

What information can I change?

You can edit the following information:

  1. Selling price

  2. Percentage of sales price. Percentage of sale versus price on Poleepo

  3. Set a discount. As a percentage or fixed price

  4. Minimum price allowed (1)

  5. Maximum price allowed (2)

1 The minimum price allowed. If you set a price lower than the minimum price allowed, you will receive a notification via email advising you that your offer has become inactive

2 The maximum price allowed. If you set a price higher than the maximum allowed price, you will receive a notification via email advising you that your offer has become inactive

Update the publication

Once you have completed the changes to the information, click on the "Update" button : your publication will move to the "Waiting for publication" status and within 20 minutes Poleepo will align the same information on your product published on Amazon

Repricing (This is automatic)

Repricing on Amazon allows you to automatically set sales prices based on various established parameters. In this way you will be able, where possible, to be more competitive and obtain more BuyBoxes without manually changing prices or constantly observing competitors to change sales policies.

If you want to use repricing on your products, consult the guide: Amazon repricing

Common mistakes

If after publishing/updating your publication you notice errors or alerts, consult the dedicated section on

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