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Creating and updating products from publications for Amazon

Dylan Santaroni avatar
Written by Dylan Santaroni
Updated over a week ago

Creating and updating products from publications for Amazon

  1. Import publications

To create an Amazon product creation configuration, go to Catalogs > Publications and click on +New Configuration.

Upload the file containing the products and their information, taking care to select the correct separator and text delimiter (if present). Then click on Analyze.

Select the Amazon sales channel and Import Publications .

Leaving both switches disabled will only create publications for products that already exist on Poleepo.

By enabling the “Update an existing publication” switch, if a product's personal data and the related Amazon publication are already present on Poleepo, the information will be overwritten and updated with the new data present in the file.

By enabling the switch “If there is no product to associate the publication with, create it” the product master data and the relative publication on Amazon will be created. By not enabling it, the publication will be created only for the products that already exist on Poleepo.

Proceed with mapping of identifiers, prices and additional and Amazon-specific fields.

It is recommended, to correctly create an offer, to always map (as identifiers) only the SKU and then the identifier and the identifier type: this is because the offers are created based on SKU, EAN or ASIN and if all 3 were mapped, they would conflict.

Give your configuration a name and Save .

Then from the Catalogs>Publications section, under the buttons under Actions, click on the first Play.

Reload the file, click Preview and then Run to launch the configuration.

2 . Update publications

To create an Amazon product update configuration, go to Catalogs > Publications and click +New Configuration.

Upload the file containing the products and their information, taking care to select the correct separator and text delimiter (if present). Then click on Analyze

Select the Amazon sales channel and Update Publications .

Proceed with mapping the identifier and columns you want to update.

Give your configuration a name and Save .

Then from the Catalogs>Publications section, under the buttons under Actions, click on the first Play.

Upload the file again, click Preview and then Run to launch the configuration.

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