Cash inventory management
Enable "Cashier" management in the menu > configuration > Sales channels > Shop. For more information go to this guide .
Reach “Cash” by following the path Menu > Cash.
Through this functionality it will be possible to manage and keep the quantities of your warehouse aligned quickly and easily
For example, if you have a physical store and make a sale, you will be able to deduct the sales from the inventory of the Poleepo store and consequently on all your sales channels.
Article search
Search for the item you want to subtract/add quantity to. You will be able to search by Sku, Ean, Manufacturer Sku. You can also use a barcode reader to speed up the operation.
Add/Subtract quantity
Once the item has been identified, the stock of the product on Poleepo will be shown and you can select to add (right side) or subtract (left side) quantity to the initial stock.
Click on “Update Quantity” to update your product.