Configure Leroy Merlin – To configure Leroy Merlin on Poleepo you must be a Leroy Merlin seller.
How to become a Leroy Merlin seller
Go to the page and enter the following mandatory information in the form:
Company name
Company website
Email address
Telephone number
Role in the company
Type of products to be sold
Country of headquarters of the company
You will be contacted shortly to validate the information received and, as soon as it is verified, you will be assigned a contact person who will guide you step by step in configuring the Marketplace.
Leroy Merlin configures his Poleepo
Reach the Leroy Merlin configuration from the path: Menu > Configuration > Sales channels and click on the “Leroy Merlin” box.
You will need to enter a code provided by Leroy Merlin(1) in the "API Token" field.
(1)Where can I find the token API? : You will find the token at this address “ ” (You must have the username and password that are provided to you when your seller account has been activated ).
Select the country you want to configure and enter in the “Maximum days for shipping” field the time taken to prepare the package to be shipped. This information will be sent in the publications on Leroy Merlin.
Then choose the default logistics class from those in the list.
Click on the “Verify Configuration” button .
Enable the "Enabled" switch at the top right to enable the configuration.
Enable the order download configuration
Click on the "Enable Order Download " switch to allow Poleepo to download your orders from Leroy Merlin to manage them
Choose whether to accept orders automatically, by enabling automatic order acceptance, if a downloaded order is in the "pending" status on Leroy Merlin, it will be automatically accepted by Poleepo, after synchronizing the order stock.
Send BRT bookmark
By enabling this function, setting the order status to “Shipped” , the Tracking Tag will be sent to Leroy Merlin after creating (and confirming) your BRT shipment.
If instead the order status is set to “In progress” , Poleepo will send the real tracking as soon as it is generated by BRT, automatically setting the order status to “Shipped” .
Save the configuration
Click on the "Save" button at the bottom right to save the Leroy Merlin configuration and start publishing your products.