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Configure Gruppo Tera

Marco Agostini avatar
Written by Marco Agostini
Updated over a week ago

What is Gruppo Tera

Gruppo Tera is an e-commerce provider, offering a wide range of products at competitive prices. By using Gruppo Tera as an integrated supplier, you can automate the product and order management process.

For further information you can visit their official website:

Reach the menu

To start setting up Gruppo Tera on Poleepo, open the menu at the top left of the platform, go to " Suppliers " > " Integrated Suppliers " > " Integrated Dropshipping Suppliers " > " Gruppo Tera ".

Configure Gruppo Tera

To configure Gruppo Tera, you will need to indicate in the empty fields:

  • the Customer ID ( you will have to obtain it from the supplier)

  • the mark-up percentage

    (The mark-up percentage is used to calculate a generic selling price of the products when managing the same products from the supplier towards poleepo)

    For example, suppose you enter the value 65 in the "markup percentage" field and 22 in the "Import VAT" field. The net selling price will be calculated by adding 65% mark-up to the cost of the product and then 22% VAT.

  • Import VAT

  • the email address ( used to access the Tera Group account) to receive Communications.

Then you will have to press the purple " create " button at the bottom right to create the new configuration.

NB To avoid reports on the Marketplaces which could lead to the suspension of the account, the sale of the STAKMANN, BAKAJI and SHALLY DOGAN brands is permitted only and exclusively on one's personal websites, unless authorized in writing by "Gruppo Tera Srl".

After performing this step, on the next screen, make sure the button at the top right is " enabled ",

then fill in the fields below with the required information.

On the screen you can choose whether to enable the button

  • automatic order confirmation

    (This feature automatically sends received orders to the supplier. If not selected, the customer will have to manually send each order to the supplier via Poleepo from the "Your orders" section.)

  • automatic catalog synchronization

    (It allows you to manage ALL the supplier's products without manually accessing the integrated supplier product management panel (when you click the " Manage catalog" button ). Furthermore, if the supplier adds new products, these will automatically be managed and included in the "I your products" on Poleepo ready to be published on the various channels.

    If you want to manage the catalog manually, press the purple button at the bottom right " manage catalog ".

  • purchase price variation behavior

    This function recalculates the selling prices of the products in case the supplier changes the purchase prices.

    You can decide the behavior of the purchase price variation: whether or not to vary the sales prices following the purchase price rules.

    If you select this option, a section will open (photo below) that will allow you to enter percentage values ​​and define various ranges for price variations.

    You can also decide whether to vary, following the set rules, or not to vary the selling price, in case the purchase price decreases.

    N.B. If you have differentiated the sales prices directly on the product publications, without using the price rules, these prices will not be updated.

    In any case, Poleepo will send an email with the price changes.

    You can delete or update the configuration using the yellow " delete " button or the purple " update " button at the bottom of the page.

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