What do you need to connect the Poste Italiane Delivery Business courier to Poleepo?
To connect, create labels and manage Poste Italiane Delivery shipments via Poleepo you need a Poste Italiane Delivery Business contract with the courier.
When the contract is concluded, contact your Poste Italiane Delivery representative to request the activation of the Web Services credentials . After requesting the activation of these services, wait approximately 1-2 hours before entering the configuration credentials on Poleepo. It may take a few hours before they are actually active.
DELIVERY – Enter the necessary data for configuration
Reach the Poste Italiane Delivery courier configuration by following the path: Menu > Configuration > Couriers and select Poste Italiane.
Inside the window Select DELIVERY at the top left .
Fill in the configuration fields
Fill in the DELIVERY configuration fields with the following necessary data:
Client Id | Customer Code (Alphanumeric Code) |
Secret Id | Secret code (Alphanumeric code) |
Cost center | Cost Center Code (Alphanumeric Code) |
Enter order ID in notes
This way the order ID will also be present in the shipping notes.
Choose the default print format
Set the shipping type:
Select the shipping services available to you based on your contract (You can add services by clicking on the ( + ) icon and delete them by clicking on the trash can icon.
Scheduled Pickup
If you have the Scheduled Pickup activated on your Poste Italiane Delivery account, activate this switch. This will allow us to confirm your shipments automatically.
Store Opening/Closing Hours
Populate the fields with your store's opening and closing times.
Save and enable the courier
Finally, Save and enable the Poste Italiane Delivery courier by clicking on the “Enabled” button at the top right.
You can choose whether to set Poste Italiane Delivery as your default courier by clicking on the gray star at the top right.
If the star is grey the courier is not set as default, if it is yellow the courier is set as default and the star will no longer be clickable.