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Creation and updating of products from csv files (New configuration)

Marco Agostini avatar
Written by Marco Agostini
Updated over a week ago

New configuration – Creation and updating of products

Reach the section for creating a new Configuration, following the path Menu > Catalogs > Personal Data and click on the " New Configuration " button at the top right .

Creation of new configuration

The creation will be divided into 4 steps:

  1. Loading information

  2. Information mapping

  3. Filter products

  4. Save

1 Loading information

In this section it will be possible to enter useful information for reading the csv file.

Create new configuration 1 loading information

Indicate the source of the file:

  • FILE – Loading a local file (from your PC)

  • HTTP – Enter the URL from which to retrieve the file (e.g. http or https://…)

  • FTP – Enter the access credentials for the FTP folder and the file path

  • SFTP – Enter the access credentials for the SFTP folder and the file path

Indicate the file scheme:

  • Activate the “File contains header row” switch if the first line in the file indicates the name of the data contained in the corresponding columns

  • Indicate the column separator used when saving the file.

  • Enable/disable text separator and indicate the separator used when saving the file.

To learn more about the formatting and structure of the CSV file to use for uploading and updating products, go to this guide .

Once you have inserted the file and indicated the scheme for correct reading, click on the " Analyze " button at the bottom right. You will be taken directly to the next stage.

2 Information mapping

Poleepo, thanks to the instructions received in the previous phase, will be able to analyze the file and offer a preview of the information contained in it.

Verify that the columns and products identified correspond to the real information in the original file.

Create new configuration 2 information mapping

Preliminary information

Indicate in this section what type of operation you want to perform:

  • Upload new products – Operation of creating new products with the information contained in the file.
    To learn about the structure of the file and the mandatory information for creating products go to this guide .
    Update an existing product – By activating this switch in phase of uploading new products, if the file contains a product already uploaded to the platform, this will be updated with the new information.

  • Updating products – Operation for updating products already present on the platform.
    To find out the structure of the file and the mandatory information for creating products, go to this guide .


Indicates the supply of products contained in the file being uploaded.

You can select from the drop-down menu whether to create or update products for the internal warehouse or for an external supplier . If you have not previously created the supplier to which you want to associate the products, click on " Add a Supplier ".

To learn more about creating and managing suppliers, go to this guide .


Internal warehouse identifier

  • Upload new products – For this type of operation, the SKU, EAN and MPN fields will be populated with the information contained in the file.
    Remember that, if the SKU field is empty, Poleepo will assign its own SKU to each product.

  • Update products – In this type of operation, the SKU, EAN and MPN fields will be used as the product identification key. A hierarchical scale of use structured as follows will be used:

    • SKU – If present, it will be the first item to be taken into consideration.

    • EAN – Second entry for hierarchy. If present in conjunction with the sku, it will be updated.

    • MPN – Last item in importance. If present in conjunction with both or one of the two previous entries, it will be updated.

External supplier identifier

If you have indicated an external supplier in the "Supply" field, there will be an additional field called " Supplier SKU ". Indicate in this field the column containing the supplier code.

  • Upload new products – For this type of operation, the SKU, EAN, MPN and Supplier SKU fields will be populated with the information contained in the file.
    Remember that, if the SKU field is empty, Poleepo will assign its own SKU to each product.

  • Update products – In this type of operation, the SKU, EAN, MPN and supplier code fields will be used as the product identification key. A hierarchical scale of use structured as follows will be used:

    1. SKU – If present, it will be the first item to be taken into consideration.

    2. EAN – Second entry for hierarchy. If present in conjunction with the sku, it will be updated.

    3. Supplier SKU - Third entry in hierarchy. If present in conjunction with both or one of the two previous entries, it will be updated.

    4. MPN – Last item in importance. If present in conjunction with all or one of the previous entries, it will be updated.

Create new configuration 2.1 information mapping

Mapping information from csv files.

Once the information for identifying the products has been set, you will need to proceed with the mapping of the information contained in the file for the creation or updating of the products.

Single products

  • Upload new products

    • For each field, indicate the column of the file containing the requested information.

    • Skip the mapping of the “Variants” section.

    • Proceed to the next step by clicking on the “ Next ” button.

To find out the mandatory information for creating new single products, go to this guide .

  • Update products

    • Indicate a discovery key and all fields to update.

    • Move to the next step by clicking on the “ Next ” button.

Products with variations

  • Upload new products

    • For each field, indicate the column of the file containing the requested information.

    • In the "Variants" section, map the columns containing information relating to the product variants.

    • Do not enable the “It's a Vendor Sku” switch.

    • Proceed to the next step by clicking on the “ Next ” button.

To learn the mandatory information and structure needed for creating new products with variations, go to this guide .

  • Update products

    • Indicate an identification key relating to the variant and all the fields to update.

    • Move to the next step by clicking on the “ Next ” button.

Single products / with variants associated with an external supplier

To carry out operations on an external supplier, in the " Supply " section, a supplier must be selected.

  • Upload new products

    • For each field, indicate the column of the file containing the requested information.

    • If the product has variants, in the "Variants" section map the columns containing information relating to the product variants, otherwise ignore the "Variants" sections

    • If you are creating products with variants that have a "parent sku" provided by the supplier, activate the "It is a supplier Sku" switch, so as to create an external supply directly on the variant.

    • Remember that the purchase prices and quantities will be added as a supply identified by the name of the chosen supplier, in the prices and stocks section.

    • Proceed to the next step by clicking on the “ Next ” button.

To learn the mandatory information and structure needed for creating new products with variations, go to this guide .

  • Update products

    • Indicate an identification key relating to the variant and all the fields to update.

    • Remember that the purchase prices and quantities will be updated to the supply identified, in the prices and stocks section.

    • By entering the product sku as an identification key, if the supply is not yet present, it will be created and updated with the information present in the file.

    • Move to the next step by clicking on the “ Next ” button.

3 Filter Products

In this section it will be possible to filter the products contained in the file on which to perform the previously chosen operation.

Create new configuration 3 filter products

Select operation:

  • Do not filter – To import or update all products contained in the file

  • Include – To import or update all products that FALL within the established criteria

  • Exclude – To import or update all products that DO NOT FALL within the stable criteria

Search criteria:

  • Brand

  • Category

  • Weight

  • Purchase price

  • Selling price

  • Amount

Move to the next step by clicking on the “ Next ” button.

4 Save

Last step of creating a new configuration.

Create new configuration 4 save configuration.png

Enter a name that can briefly describe the type of operation you want to do with this configuration.

Click on save.


Once you have followed the entire procedure for creating a new configuration, following the path Menu > Catalogs > Master Data , you will be able to view the saved configurations and carry out operations on them. To learn how to perform a saved configuration go to this guide .

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