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Import your products from Amazon

Marco Agostini avatar
Written by Marco Agostini
Updated over a week ago

Export your Amazon catalog

To import your Amazon products to Poleepo you will need to export the inventory from your Amazon account and send it to our technicians who will take care of the import process.

You will need to generate two reports for each active country on your Amazon account: Active Listings Report

– Log in to your Amazon seller central.
– In the top menu click on “Inventory -> Inventory report” ​– In the
“Select report type”
field select: “Active offers report” and then click on the “Customize report columns” link
– Check whether the fundamental data for importing products onto Poleepo is present in the “Selected Attributes” box on the right.

If the following fields are not present, add the fields by selecting them from the “Available attributes” box on the left and clicking on the “Add

  1. Item name

  2. Item description

  3. Prices

  4. Amount

  5. Seller Sku

  6. SALT 1

  7. Product identifier type

  8. Product identifier

Import your products from Amazon - export active offers in the Amazon catalog

Once these operations have been carried out, click on the "Save " button at the bottom

Return to the “Inventory Report” section (Inventory -> Inventory Report) In the “Select report type:”
drop-down menu, select: “Active offers report (Custom)” and click on the “Generate report” button

Wait a few minutes and the page will contain the link to download the generated reports.

Prepare the file for import.

(Section being updated)

Preliminary operations

Before importing the offers report generated on Amazon into Poleepo, you need to make some changes to the "Report+of+active+offers+xx-xx-xxxx.txt" file

Follow these steps:

  1. Rename the file downloaded from seller central from .txt to .csv

  2. Open the csv file with spreadsheet software (Excel, LibreOffice, OpenOffice, Numbers…)

  3. Configure the opening of the csv file with "Tab" column separator and "Text" column type (This last operation is important to prevent the software from eliminating zeros if there are codes or data with leading zeros)

  4. Find the column that refers to the channel “ Management channel or fulfillment-channel ” (The name may vary) and using a filter identify and eliminate all the rows that refer to the AMAZON_EU channels, leaving only three rows that refer to the channel “ DEFAULT”

  5. Add a column in the file and name it "Rate" and enter the rate corresponding to the products for each row.

  6. Save the file.

Import Amazon products

Creates the configuration for import and definition of the report file structure

  1. In the left side menu select "Catalogues > Publications"

  2. Click on the “New Configuration” button

  3. Upload report in csv in the "File" field

  4. Enable the toggle: “File contains header line:”

  5. In the “Column separator:” field , enter “t” ( Tabulation )
    ​* If you chose a different separator when saving the file, enter it in this field

  6. Click the “Analyze” button

Choice of Amazon channel and import behavior

  1. Choose the Amazon channel for import (e.g. AMAZON ITALIA)

  2. Leave the “Import publications” option selected

  3. Leave the “Update an existing publication” switch deactivated

  4. Enable the switch “If there is no product to associate the publication with, create it.”

  5. Click the “Next” button

Association of CSV columns (Mapping)

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