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Publishing products on eBay

Marco Agostini avatar
Written by Marco Agostini
Updated over a week ago

Prepare your product

If the product you want to publish is not yet present on Poleepo , visit This guide

Publish your product on eBay

At the bottom of the product page, identify the "eBay" box and click on the "Publish" button , wait a few seconds and your product will be available for sale on eBay.

Review or edit your eBay listing details

Once you have published your product on eBay , you can go into the details of the publication to fix or modify some information.

To change the information, click the “Detail” button on the eBay publication box.

What information can I change in eBay posting?

You can edit the following information:

  1. Title and subtitle of the advertisement

  2. Descriptions (1)

  3. Selling price

  4. Sales Price Percentage (Sales Percentage of Price on Poleepo)

  5. Set a discount (as a percentage or fixed price)

  6. Shipping rule used

  7. Domestic shipping table

  8. International Shipping Chart

  9. Warranty duration and item condition

  10. Return management, refunds, replacement and return policies

1. On eBay there is only one description field. If you have defined a template in the eBay configuration, it will be used to build the description when the product is published. Otherwise, if the template is not defined, or you have deactivated it, the two descriptions will be concatenated to ensure that all the information available is published.

2. Shipping cost for each publication, if not entered, the shipping cost configured in the "Sales channels > Stores" section will be used

3. Maximum number of days the item is shipped

Attributes in the Mandatory/Recommended category

Item specifics

For some categories, eBay requires specifications for the product, i.e. attributes .
These attributes change based on the category chosen and can be mandatory or recommended.

If the category in which you published the product requires these specifications, the fields for insertion will be present in the details of your publication. By clicking on the attribute box, a drop-down menu will open that will allow you to choose one of the items recommended by eBay. If the menu is empty, or if you want to choose a different value from the one suggested, just write the specification you prefer in the field.

Ebay poleepo attribute selection

Attribute management for products with variants

In some cases of products with variants, the name of the specification (recommended or mandatory) could be the same as the name of the attribute of the variant you have chosen, making the eBay publication in error. In this case, just go to the detail of the eBay publication, under the variants heading, and remap the name of the existing attribute with a different one. In this way you will send a different name to eBay, without changing the variant attribute for all other sales channels. For more information, follow this guide by going to the " eBay " section .

Publication of products on eBay, attribute and variant mapping

Once you have chosen the new attribute of the variant you want to send to eBay, you will have to choose whether to apply this change only to the product in question (by clicking on the "SAVE" button) or whether to apply the changes to the entire category to which that particular product belongs (by clicking on the “APPLY TO ALL CATEGORY” button).

Sorting images

For eBay publications, you will be able to manage the order of images displayed. By accessing the details of an eBay publication, opening the "Images" tab , you will be able to intervene on the order of the images that will be displayed in the advertisement.

In the “Select order of product images” section, you will be able to select the order of images displayed on eBay.

Publish product images on eBay

Order of variant images

For eBay publications, you will be able to manage the order of images displayed. By accessing the detail of an eBay publication, opening the Images tab, you can change the order of the images.

In the “Select order of product images” section, you will be able to select the order of images displayed on eBay for the main product.

Products with variants on sales channels associate variant attribute images

Variants with multiple attributes on eBay

In the case of products with more than one attribute per variant (for example Size and colour) in the eBay publication you will have to choose the main attribute to which the reference images are to be associated, also selecting the display order to send to eBay.

By entering the "Select images for variants based on a selected attribute" section, it will be possible, for each value (example XL,L), to choose, in addition to the associated images, also the order to send.

Products with variants on sales channels associate variant attribute images

Update the publication

Once you have changed the information, click on the "Update" button to make the changes effective immediately on your product on eBay.

Common mistakes

If after publishing/updating your publication you notice errors or alerts, consult the dedicated section on Publishing Errors on eBay

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