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Creating and updating products from Manomano publications

Ilaria Cuppone avatar
Written by Ilaria Cuppone
Updated over a week ago

Creating and updating products from Manomano publications

  1. Import publications

  • To create a Manomano product creation configuration (for both the Italian and foreign channels), proceed from Catalogs > Publications and click on +New Configuration.

  • Upload the file containing the products and their information, taking care to select the correct separator and text delimiter (if present). Then click on Analyze.

  • Select the sales channel Manomano Italy (or France, Germany depending on the channel) and Import publications .

Leaving both switches disabled will only create publications for products that already exist on Poleepo.

By enabling the “Update an existing publication” switch, if a product's personal data and the related Manomano Italia publication are already present on Poleepo, the information will be overwritten and updated with the new data present in the file.

By enabling the switch “If there is no product to associate the publication with, create it” the product master data and the relative publication on Manomano Italia will be created. By not enabling it, the publication will be created only for the products that already exist on Poleepo.

  • Proceed with mapping the columns containing the necessary information.

Below each field, the corresponding column to be associated is indicated in brackets.

NB: For descriptions, Manomano concatenates the long description and the short description. Therefore, it is recommended to map only one of the two columns with long description .

As for categories, the merchant category column refers to the category of the merchant of your site, or if you have previously defined it on Poleepo.

Mm_category_id instead refers to the id of the corresponding Manomano category.

As for prices, the Price including VAT column is always mapped

(product_price_vat_inc) , never the price without VAT.

This is because Manomano usually indicates the price in the feed always including VAT with a separate column containing the VAT.

In the second part of the page at the bottom there are specific Manomano fields, relating to sales and shipping.

Manomano allows you to activate a courier grid, in which you can set different shipping costs for each courier (if you use more than one courier) based on different parameters (for example based on weight).

Therefore, if you use this grid, which must be activated and configured directly on Manomano, the corresponding use_grid column should contain the value 1 if you use this grid, 0 if you do not use it. You must therefore map it or not.

The carrier column must be mapped if the grid is not used (so if the value is 0), and therefore it will be populated with the name of the carrier used. The same applies to the shipping_time and shipping_price_vat_incl columns , which refer to the shipping time and shipping price respectively.

The columns carrier_grid_1-2-3-4 and shipping_time_carrier_grid_1-2-3-4 must be mapped if the carrier grid is used (and therefore if there is a value of 1). This is because the carrier_grid_1-2-3-4 fields will be populated by the names of the couriers used, while the shipping_time_carrier_gri d_1-2-3-4 fields will be populated by the shipping times of the various couriers.

  • Give your configuration a name and Save .

  • Then from the Catalogs>Publications section, under the buttons under Actions, click on the first Play

  • Reload the file, click Preview and then Run to launch the configuration

    2. Update publications

  • To create a Manomano product update configuration (for both the Italian and foreign channels), proceed from Catalogs>Publications. Click on +New configuration.

  • Upload the file containing the products and their information, taking care to select the correct separator and text delimiter (if present). Then click on Analyze.

  • Select the sales channel Manomano Italy (or France, Germany depending on the channel) and Update publications .

  • Proceed to map the columns containing the necessary information, such as product title and description.

  • Give your configuration a name and Save .

  • Then from the Catalogs>Publications section, under the buttons under Actions, click on the first Play .

  • Reload the file, click Preview and then Run to launch the configuration.

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