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Poleepo's categories

Marco Agostini avatar
Written by Marco Agostini
Updated this week

Poleepo categories

To manage categories, follow the path: Menu > products > Categories.

In the Poleepo categories section you can:

  • Manage your store categories;

  • Map and visualize associated categories across your sales channels;

  • View the number of products associated with a given category;

  • Create a custom category structure;

  • Import the category tree directly from your e-commerce;

Creating Categories

To create a new category on Poleepo, click on the " create category " button.

You will need to assign a name to the category you are creating and possibly indicate a parent category among those in the store.

Click "save" to save the category you just created.

The categories you create will populate the left part of the screen.

View the number of products within a category

If a category has a + sign in front of it, it means that it is a parent category and within it there are one or more child categories.

By selecting a category, you will be able to view the number of products within it.

Editing categories

Using the buttons next to the categories you can in order:

  • change the category name;

  • Move the source category to a target category in the store and then change its path.

    This way, the categories of your sales channels associated with the source category will be associated with the new destination category you choose.

    Products associated with the origin category will be placed in the new destination category chosen.

  • delete a category;

    N.B. You will not be able to delete a parent category until you have deleted the associated sub-categories.

    If there are products associated with the category you want to delete,

    you will need to select an alternative category in which to place the products.

    If the category is linked to any pricing rules, to delete it, you need to remove the category from the rule.

Automatic import of categories from sales channels

On Poleepo you also have the possibility to import the tree structure of your categories directly from the sales channels you have configured.

To do this you will need to click on the " import categories " button.

You will need to select the sales channel from which you want to import your categories (in this example WooCommerce).

Poleepo will also provide you with a preview of the categories it will import from your sales channel.

Before importing categories on Poleepo, we recommend that you check and, if necessary, modify the categories already existing on your e-commerce site in the sales channel configuration.

Finally click on "proceed to import the categories from the chosen sales channel.

Once the operation starts, you will have to wait for the time required for the import, based on the number of categories you are importing.

Once the import is complete, you will see the imported categories on the left side of the screen.

This way the imported categories will be automatically created and associated with the ecommerce.

Manual category association

Once you have created or imported categories on Poleepo, you can manually associate them with the configured channels on the right side of the screen.

To do this you will need to select a category and map it to those of the sales channels.

Once you have chosen the category in the list of the selected sales channel, click on " confirm " to associate it with the category present on Poleepo.

For further clarifications on the management of categories on Poleepo we invite you to watch this video:

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