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Configure IBS

Marco Agostini avatar
Written by Marco Agostini
Updated over a week ago


To set up IBS on Poleepo you must be an IBS seller.

How to become an IBS seller

Follow the instructions and send an email to the address provided, declaring your desire to become an IBS seller.

You will be contacted shortly and a contract will be sent to you to sign. You will be assigned a contact person who will guide you step by step through setting up the Marketplace.

Configure IBS your Poleepo

Reach the IBS configuration from the path: Menu > Configuration > Sales channels and click on the “IBS” box.

Configure IBS your poleepo

You will need to enter the code generated by IBS when activating API services in the "API Token" field. You can create your token at this link: CLICK HERE

Enter the time taken to prepare the package to be shipped in the “Maximum days for shipping” field. This information will be posted in IBS publications.

Click on the “Check Configuration” button .

Enable the "Enabled" switch at the top right to enable the configuration.

Configure IBS enable IBS on Poleepo

Enable the order download configuration

Click on the "Enable Order Download " switch to allow Poleepo to download your orders from IBS to manage them.

Configure IBS Enable downloading of IBS orders on Poleepo

Save the configuration

Click on the "Save" button at the bottom right to save the IBS configuration and start publishing your products.

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