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Create your shipments with Qapla'

Dylan Santaroni avatar
Written by Dylan Santaroni
Updated over a month ago

Create your shipments with Qapla'

To create and manage shipments with Qapla' or print waybills, reach the “Orders” page by following the path:
Menu > Orders

Select your order to ship

Select the order to be shipped by clicking on the order number in the first column "Reference"

Selection of Qaplà and preparation of shipment

  1. In the "shipping" box, select Qapla' and indicate the relevant chosen courier;

    NB the shipping information to be entered will change based on the courier chosen on Qapla'.

  2. Once you have entered the information requested by the chosen courier, click on "create" to create your shipment.

  3. Print the shipping label;

  4. You will then need to go to the shipping list to confirm your shipment;

You can view newly created shipments in your shipment list, for more information see the dedicated article:

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